Jun 2, 2013

Adelaide, Australia

I survived my longest flight! Three services, 12hrs there, 13hrs back and 3hrs of sleep in the CRC - crew rest compartment, bunks above the passenger cabin, where we can stretch out and sleep between these long shifts. Not good for claustrophobic :-)))

In Adelaide was raining all the time, so I just went for a breakfast and to the gym, that´s all. So maybe next time. Now I have 5 days off and my next flight should be Narita in Tokyo, Japan.

Some pictures from Dubai where you can see how we spend our days off :-)) You can also find me on instagram as kamilka_kl.


  1. wonderful post! :) what a pitty you didnt enjoy adelaide! but damn that dubai life seems so appeling! i hope that one day ill be in dubai working for emirates and livin la vida loca as well :b
    xx from Croatia

  2. Loved the post, and I loooooooooooooooooooooooove your blog. You are definetley the best out here! I just check your blog daily to see if there's new posts and you can't believe how happy I get when I see that there's a new one!
    Kisses from Spain, Carmen

  3. whats your bachelor degree? :)

  4. what did they told you about life in dubai in the opon day? thanks kamilka
    xx from uk

  5. I studied russian language for law, business & tourism :-)

  6. Ode dneška jsem tvou věrnou čtenářkou, nádhera :)

  7. lovely blog. keep posting. wanted to follow you on instagram, but it´s blocked :/ it´s pity. Love from Croatia :) xxx

  8. Hi, I was just wondering when you have like 5 days off are you allowed to go on trips overseas or do you have to based in Dubai? thanks :D
